Shields of Faye



I am so excited for you to be here. Thank you for venturing with me on this journey that I call Brain Work. Why Brain Work, because to be able to consciously transform your thinking takes insurmountable work. Once we reach a level of understanding within ourselves about the results of said Work, it becomes the norms to chase the highs of consciousness. 

Just as the rivers flow and change direction, experience low waters and some floods, the beauty comes from the power for restoration from all situations. Even when the water has gone, traces of what once was, are still very present. One can say- a flow of water used to come through here.

We have the power to influence and that is my biggest point in doing Brain Work. Adults have the power to help shape children in ways that help keep the rivers flowing. When we use a peaceful parenting or a gentle parenting style, we are doing Work to change our narrative of what has been deemed normal.

As we journey together, I will share my experiences and how I have shaped my parenting style due to realizing that I have a little person looking up to me to help guide them through this world. I am the person who did not want to raise a child with the disciplinary style I experienced. I am the person who decided to be the line outside the circle in hopes of my daughter experiencing childhood with better memories than that of her mother.

I am the person who is stepping out on Faith in order to bring more light into the world through the children of the world.